Evan Hayden ARCHIVE
2015-2023  website
  Version 3.0 of the site you're looking at. How meta!

This one was a long time coming. The previous version of the site was getting pretty stale, at five years old. For the third version, I threw out everything and rebuilt the site from scratch, as well as redoing all the images to fit a wider format. I simplified a lot, stripped out a bunch of extraneous code, got a little more comfortable with CSS (finally), added a bunch of bonus content, made some pages bilingual English / Japanese, and rearranged the navigation of the site. The new site also features a big splash page for the index, which changes out the background upon each load. It's all kind of huge in terms of image file sizes, but we live in the era of high speed internet so I don't worry about that as much as I used to.

In early 2023, I overhauled the site, resulting in the "version 4.0" that you're reading this on right now!
evanhaydenart.com ver 3.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 3.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 3.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 3.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 3.0

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