Evan Hayden ARCHIVE
2010-2015  website
  Version 2.0 of the site you're looking at. How meta!

This was made on a modified template of 1.0, but with a lot of the extra garbage code stripped out, bugs squashed, certain pages simplified, and flashy new aesthetics. I moved the blog off of the index page and reintroduced a splash page menu, with a little list of latest blog posts. (Never really liked the idea of having the blog being the main page, since I don't update it much, but a friend recommended I try it.)

I ended up keeping this design around a lot longer than I intended, but I was super busy, and also liked the design. In spring 2015, I replaced it with a new version, rebuilt from scratch.
evanhaydenart.com ver 2.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 2.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 2.0

evanhaydenart.com ver 2.0

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