Evan Hayden ARCHIVE
2002  C-41 photo, marker  illustrated-photography (ink)
  This one was an interesting one to shoot because it really creeped me out at the time, due to how real the setup looked. My friend Loi posed, and we set up the scene for a (fake) suicide in my bathroom, complete with Halloween fake blood and skin, and (in an unused shot), red food coloring in the bath water. Now that a good amount of time has passed since making this piece, I am not as fond of it as I once was, as I was trying to be edgy back then, and now I see it as something that could bring up bad memories for suicide survivors. That said, I enjoyed working with Loi, and I think from a technical angle at least, it's still worth showing here.

NOTE: I've seen this picture floating around the internet, altered and claimed as other people's art. Please respect my intellectual property, folks... Also, this work is not available for use as album packaging.

MODEL: Loi   LOCATION: Monroe MI  

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